Colorado West Estate Planning Council Spring Meeting

Date: Wednesday, May 24, 2023
Time: 4:30pm - 5:45pm
Location: Bookcliff Country Club - 2730 G Rd. Grand Junction, CO 81506
Speaker: Tyler Mounsey - Legislative Update

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We will have Shiara Hickey Caubarreaux speak about the Mindsprings Foundation. Coloradans are increasingly facing mental health challenges- both with mental illness and addiction. Either directly or indirectly, these crises of epic proportions are impacting every single one of us. However, with compassion and partnership, we can be STRONGER TOGETHER. Together, we are stronger than the obstacles we face that may be impacting our fellow friend, neighbor, or family member.

We also will have Tyler Mounsey - Director of Legislative Relations at the Colorado Bar Association provide a legislative Update.

Brook Seeley with Northpointe Bank will be graciously sponsoring our beverages! Thank you Brook Seeley for your sponsorship!

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