The Effects of Divorce on Estate Planning - A Panel Discussion

Date: Wednesday, August 19, 2015
Time: 4:00pm - 6:00pm
Location: Bookcliff Country Club
Speaker: CWEPC Guest Panel

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Please join us for a panel discussion on the effects of divorce on estate planning. We have a diverse and knowledgeable panel, so we hope you will make the time to attend this event. The participants will speak to the different concerns and considerations surrounding the unique needs of a client dealing with divorce. There will be a detailed case study as the foundation for the panel discussion, and a Q&A session.

Panel Participants:

Lance Timbreza, Attorney, Daniel's Law Group LLC

Annie Deprey Murphy, Attorney, Dufford Waldeck Milburn & Krohn LLP

Christopher L. West, CPA, Dalby Wendland & Co, P.C.

Laurel A. Jones, PSY.D, Marriage and Family Therapist, Psych'd on Main

Michael Philipp, Certified Divorce Financial Analyst, CPA, Valuation Consulting Group LLC


As always, complimentary light refreshments will be served and a cash bar will be available.

Cost is free to CWEPC members. Non-members are welcome for $25 per person. Beginning in 2015, first-time guests of a paid member are also free. Please invite your colleagues!

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Please RSVP to Gina Tallman by August 17th.

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